UQ medical research ranks above world standard

29 March 2019

The University of Queensland has ranked above world standard in major health and medical science categories.  

The Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) results scored UQ’s overall Medical and Health Sciences research the highest possible ranking of ‘five’. 

Director of UQ’s Child Health Research Centre (CHRC) Professor Karen Moritz said the results demonstrated the excellence being undertaken across the Faculty.

“These results indicate that our performance in this area is rated well above world standard,” Professor Moritz said.

“This undoubtedly reflects all the wonderful work people have been doing and the excellent partnerships we have formed.

“We aim to maintain this rating in the hopes of furthering medical research in Queensland.”

The results were part of a wider nod of excellence, which rated UQ above and well above world standard in more specialised fields of research than any other Australian university across 93 disciplines.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Bronwyn Harch said the ERA results were a resounding affirmation of the exceptional quality of work being done by UQ’s researchers across all disciplines.

“It’s tremendously heartening that UQ also rated above or well above world standard in 100 per cent of the 22 broad fields of research,” Professor Harch said.

“For UQ to do so well across the full field is extremely rewarding. This strongly asserts and emphasises its position as a top-tier, comprehensive research university.

“But fundamentally, this is about the quality of work that our researchers do on a daily basis.”

UQ Medical and Health Sciences rated above world standard in Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine, Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics, Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology, Clinical Sciences, Immunology, Medical Microbiology, Neurosciences, Oncology and Carcinogenesis and Public Health.

ERA, Australia’s national evaluation of research quality, is conducted by the Australian Research Council, and UQ’s full ERA 2018 results are here.

Learn more about UQ Research impact here.

Media: UQ Faculty of Medicine Communications, med.media@uq.edu.au, +61 436 368 746.
