The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, The Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and The University of Queensland have partnered on a research study exploring the complex relationship between chemical exposure during pregnancy, brain development and genetics. As our study generates new information, we would like to understand the best way to communicate those findings.

We would like input from community members on your experience with learning about new research and ideas around how scientists can best communicate with your community.

We are inviting four parents or caregivers each with a diagnosed neurodiverse child (up to 12 years of age) to meet with us. You do not need to have a medical or science background, or any previous experience. Specifically, we are looking for participants with children who fall across the spectrum of L1 to L3 ASD diagnosis or similar differences in ADHD. Unfortunately, we cannot include parents or caregivers of children with genetic disorders or serious co-occurring conditions.

Your perspective will help us understand the best ways to communicate to and from parents and caregivers like you. We will provide payment for your time (up to 2 hours and 45 minutes), and work within your schedule. Our research team has lived experience with neurodiversity and will be respectful and understanding of your confidentiality needs.

Our engagement with you would involve:

  • An Online Introduction Meeting (1 hour): Meet the research team who will discuss the project via video-conferencing.
  • Sharing your Experience (Up to 45 minutes): Reflect on your lived experiences of engaging with research information and complete a survey.
  • A Final Online Discussion Meeting (1 hour): Discuss survey insights & share final thoughts via video-conferencing.

If you would like to learn more or have any questions please contact Dr Dwan Vilcins at or via Messenger Dwan is a member of this community and parent to a child with ASD.