Kids and Community Sleep Research

Our research aims to improve the health and wellbeing of children and the community by targeting sleep to improve long-term functional outcomes.


Our Sleep Research is spearheaded by two research groups.

Kids Sleep Research

Kids Sleep Research has an established research presence within Australia, participating in several multi-centre clinical trials, publishing widely in peer-reviewed journals and successfully receiving grants from different sources including National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), The Medicine Research Future Fund Scheme (MRFF) and the Australian Research Council (ARC).The team’s research focuses across three key themes which include (i) sleep experiences and patient voice, (ii) sleep in specific populations and (iii) novel sleep technology. Associate Professor Jasneek Chawla is a paediatric respiratory and sleep specialist at the Queensland Children’s Hospital and leads this inter-disciplinary research group. She represents the Australasian sleep community at a national level as a board director and incoming president (2025) for the Australasian Sleep Association (ASA), which is the peak scientific body representing clinicians, scientists and researchers working in sleep health and sleep medicine across Australia and New Zealand.


Phone: (07) 3069 7503

The Community Sleep Health group

The Community Sleep Health group focuses on sleep in children and families, mental health and wellbeing of young people, and the role of sleep across the life course. Professor Simon Smith leads the UQ node for two Australian Research Council Centres of Excellence

The team collaborate with others around circadian rhythms, pain, housing and environment, co-morbidities and wellbeing outcomes, and the development and implementation of novel interventions. The team has additional experience in health program evaluation. Prof. Simon Smith is supported by the UQ Health Research Accelerator (HERA) initiative as part of the 360-Kids Community Network. 


Logo Digital Child 

  • Dr Jasneek Chawla

    Kids Sleep Research Group Leader & Principal Research Fellow (Secondment) & ATH - Associate Professor
    Child Health Research Centre
    Associate Professor/Specialist
    Children's Health Queensland Clinical Unit
    Paediatric Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Specialist
    Queensland Children's Hospital
    Affiliate of ARC COE for the Digital Child (UQ Node)
    ARC COE for the Digital Child
  • Dr Andrew Collaro

    Paediatric Respiratory and Sleep Scientist
    Queensland Children's Hospital
    Adjunct Associate Fellow
    Child Health Research Centre
  • Ajay Kevat

    Dr Ajay Kevat

    ATH - Senior Lecturer and Clinician Researcher
    Children's Health Queensland Clinical Unit
    Paediatric Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Specialist
    Queensland Children's Hospital
  • Associate Professor Sadasivam Suresh

    Paediatric Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Specialist
    Queensland Children’s Hospital
  • Dr David Kilner

    Clinical Lead for Sleep Medicine, Paediatric Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Specialist
    Queensland Children’s Hospital
    ATH - Senior Lecturer
    Children's Health Queensland Clinical Unit
  • Dr Shannon Edmed

    Research Fellow
    Child Health Research Centre
    Affiliate of ARC COE for Children and Families Over the Lifecourse
    ARC COE for Children and Families Over the Lifecourse
  • Mrs Laura Marriott

    Industry Fellow, Sleep Scientist
  • Mrs Fiona Hudson

    Industry Fellow, Clinical Psychologist
  • Ms Teodora Espinoza

    Casual Research Sleep Scientist
    Child Health Research Centre

Casual appointments

Ms Maria Carmen Miguel
Research Nurse

Mr Mark Anderson
Research Assistant

Ms Isha Shin
Research Assistant

Ms Nadine Lorimer
Senior Research Assistant


HDR students

Kasey Fullwood

Arvind Gnani Srinivasan

Sylistah Gadam

Anna Loeffler

Saeed Jaydarifard

Carly Rankin


Understanding Light, Technology, and Environments of Children

ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher AwardPATTINSON, Cassandra L2025-2027
Co-designing Obstructive Sleep apnoea screening and diagnosis approaches for First Nations Australians: Strengthening clinical pathways with lived-experience support from community champions2023 MRFF Optimising Screening Diagnosis and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Stream 1 - administered by the UQ Poche CentreYaqoot, Fatima, Woodroofe, Tracy, Wheeler, Kai, Sullivan Dan, von Senden Roslyn, Skinner, Timothy, Bucks Romola, Eastwood Peter, CHAWLA, Jasneek, Potia Azhar, Tan Eng Joo, Oguma Victor, Nasir Bushra, Martin Priya, Yiallourou Stephanie, COLLARO Andrew, Mihalopolous Cathrine, Cooper Rae2024-2029
Clinical Utility of Level 3 studies in paediatric sleep medicine2023 MRFF Optimising Screening Diagnosis and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Stream 2-3

Waters Karen, Nixon Gillian, Vandeleur Moya, CHAWLA, Jasneek, Tan, Eng Joo, Adams, Anne-Marie , Verginis N, Terrill Philip, KEVAT Ajay, COLLARO Andrew, MacKay Stuart, COOKE, Emma, Horne, Rosemary.


Mandibular Jaw Movement Monitoring in Children with Neurodisability

CHQ SERTACOLLARO Andrew, CHAWLA, Jasneek K2023-2025
Sleep Health in HospitalsCHQ SERTAMarriott L, Longland R,  CHAWLA, Jasneek K2023-2025
Early Sleep Interventions to Improve Outcomes in Children with NeurodisabilityNHMRC MRFF EPCDR - Chronic Neurological ConditionsCHAWLA, Jasneek K; Waters, K.; Vandeleur, M.; Pride, N.; Milross, M. & Richards, D.2022-2025
Tackling Sleep to Improve Outcomes in Children with NeurodisabilityPreclinical and Clinical Early Career ResearchCHAWLA, Jasneek K2022-2024
Evaluating delivery experience for new diagnosis of Down syndrome or other chromosomal differencesResearch DonationCHAWLA, Jasneek K; COOKE, Emma J; COLES, Laetitia J & STATON, Sally L2022-2024

ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child

ARC Centre of Excellence administered by Queensland University of TechnologySMITH, Simon S; Danby, S.; Bennett, S.; Green, L.; Kervin, L.; Sefton-Green, J.; Straker, L.; White, S. & others2021-2028
ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life CourseARC Centre of ExcellenceBAXTER, Janeen H; Glozier, N.; THORPE, Karen J; Cobb-Clark, D.; Kalb, G.; SMITH, Simon S; MORAWSKA, Alina; PARSELL, Cameron S & others2021-2027

The latest research highlights from the Kids and Community Sleep Research Group are featured on this page.


Families in Focus : Embedding the voices of children with disability and their families in research.

Families in Focus is an innovative research initiative aimed at amplifying the voices of children with disabilities and their families. Recognizing the importance of inclusive research, this approach ensures that their experiences and needs are central to shaping the research we undertake. The aim is to gather insights into the educational, health, and social support experiences of children with disabilities and their families, guiding future research and policy development.

Read more about this project here.


Early Sleep Interventions to Improve outcomes in children with neurodisability: This research aims is to enhance the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders in children with neurodisability (ND), with the goal of improving their quality of life and outcomes for both children and their families. We hope the findings will be used to establish clinically relevant national standards of care for the diagnosis and management of sleep issues in children with neurodisability across Australia.

Read more about this project here.


Queensland Brain Institute  - The University of Queensland

Professor Karen Thorpe
Australian Research Council Laureate Professor
Group Leader in Child Development, Education and Care

Dr Sally Staton
Senior Research Fellow
Discovery Early Career Researcher 2022

Dr Laetitia Coles
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

The School of Information Technology & Electrical Engineering – The University of Queensland

Associate Professor Philip Terrill
Biomedical Engineer

School of Education - The University of Queensland

Associate Professor Rhonda Faragher
Director of the Down syndrome Research Program(DSRP)
Associate Professor, inclusive education

QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute

Dr Kartik Iyer
Biomedical Engineer
Research Officer

Faculty of Society & Design - Bond University

Associate Professor James Birt
Film, Screen and Creative Media
Associate Dean, External Engagement

Assistant Professor Oliver Baumann

Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine

Associate Professor Suzanne Gough
Associate Dean, Learning & Teaching

Mr Adrian Goldsworthy
PhD Candidate
Sessional Teaching Fellow


Conjoint Professor Karen Waters, Children’s Hospital at Westmead SCHN, The University of Sydney

Dr Natalie Pride, Children’s Hospital at Westmead SCHN, The University of Sydney

Dr Maree Milross, The University of Sydney

Dr Moya Vandeleur, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

Professor Deborah Richards, Macquarie University